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Support Networks for Abortion Rights Get Stronger in Latin America and the Caribbean

Estefanía Nava

Updated: May 17, 2024

Te explicamos más sobre el tema

September is like Christmas for those of us who seek to make visible and promote the guarantee of access to abortion as a human right to health, due to the number of events and activism on those dates. I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Bogota to attend the abortion think tanks organized by Inroads (International Network for the Reduction of Abortion Discrimination and Stigma) and I want to share with you my experience on this transformative journey and the reflections that emerged from this space.

The event brought together a diverse group of activists, health professionals and people who have experienced abortion in some way. Each of them had a unique perspective and personal experiences that they shared openly in the reflection circles. It was inspiring to hear stories of accompaniment and resilience from those of us living in restrictive countries such as Venezuela, Nicaragua, Brazil, Bolivia, Dominican Republic and Peru.

Raising Awareness Against Stigma

Stigma is fought with visibility, so we raised awareness through our testimonies, through the stories of those we accompanied in the support Networks for abortion rights . We were more than 60 people who communicated in different languages, but with something in common: we accompanied them in the abortion process.

One of the aspects that most interested me was the importance of spaces for dialogue and reflection. Spaces like this provided a safe environment where we could share our experiences without fear of being judged. It was a reminder that, beyond the political systems of each country, there are human beings with real and complex histories.

We reflected on the challenges faced by those who wish to access safe abortion services in some parts of the world and the negative consequences of criminalization. If it is challenging for cis women, it is even more difficult for trans guys. Therefore, it is important to always approach it from a diverse, empathetic and non-stigmatizing approach. Let's break down all the beliefs that we have as a base.

Alarming Numbers

Within the reflection circles we were also able to get closer to the realities of other countries. A study by safe2choose together with IPAS Central America and Mexico from 2020, but presented by IPAS Bolivia, shows the close reality of doctors and health care providers when assisting in pregnancy terminations in Latin America: 37% of those surveyed are not sure if they are doing something right; 30% are often wary of who they tell about their work, and 40% do not feel understood for the work they do.

This paints an open picture of how even those who support those at risk are being cornered by the systematic violence of restrictive states.

Strategies for the Future

We must broaden our horizons, listen to diverse voices and reflect on how we can generate more spaces for dialogue and reflection on abortion. In addition, using online platforms and applications that allow us to be connected to diverse realities offers us an excellent opportunity to generate open and accessible discussions.

We want to encourage constructive dialogue rather than focus on confrontation or convincing. We have to continue our networking because, although from every corner of the world we have a unique and differentiated vision, the result will always be the same: freedom over our bodies and our right to decide.

Contact us! We are here to accompany you in your process of safe abortion with pills.

Download the app Aya Contigo.



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