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Why is my period late?

Gabriela Calderar
Por qué tengo un retraso en el periodo o menstruación retrasada

We talk about delayed menstruation or your period is late when the bleeding does not occur within five days of the expected date. As menstrual cycles can vary, it is estimated that a regular cycle lasts between 21 and 35 days, depending on the person.

To find out your average cycle length, take at least three months, counting from the first day of your period to the day before it comes again. Divide the total number of days by the number of cycles you took into account and you will have your average.

This information will allow you to realize more quickly if there is any alteration in your cycle or you have a delayed menstruation.

There are free apps that do this process for you such as Clue and Flo, among many other options that also tell you when you ovulate and what changes you can expect in your menstrual cycle.

Causes for your period to be late other than pregnancy

Stress: Psychological stress, especially prolonged stress, causes irregular cycles and also changes in the amount of bleeding, according to a review of more than 41 studies.

Elevated cortisol, which is the so-called stress hormone, can interfere with the release of gonadotropin, the hormone vital for initiating the chemical process to regulate the ovaries' production of estrogen and progesterone needed for ovulation. These variations can make your period longer, shorter, heavier or lighter.

Stress can be brought on by work, studies, family or partner concerns, among many other situations. So evaluate if this resonates with you. Among the symptoms of elevated cortisol you may notice weight gain, acne and irritability.

If you think this may be affecting your cycle, practices such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing techniques, exercise and mindfulness can help you lower your stress level.

Polycystic ovary syndrome: occurs when you have cysts on your ovaries, which causes hormonal imbalance. It is characterized by months without menstruation and when it comes, your period is heavy or long. This also causes excess androgens and manifests itself in excess hair, especially facial hair, severe acne and baldness.

Your healthcare professional can make the clinical diagnosis based on symptoms and infertility and/or ultrasound. Untreated polycystic ovary syndrome can cause overgrowth of the lining of the uterus, which increases the risk of uterine cancer.

La menstruación retrasada puede ser culpa del ejercicio excesivo

Excessive exercise: when you exercise excessively, the hypothalamus stops producing the hormones needed to initiate ovulation because your body is using its energy to exercise. This is not good for your health, because that same energy is needed for all vital processes. If you notice that your menstruation stops and you are exercising a lot, you should stop and evaluate a healthy balance between exercise and an energy level that allows your body to function normally.

Breastfeeding: if you are exclusively breastfeeding your period may be late or irregular. Some people do not get their period until after they stop breastfeeding, but each case is different. When in doubt, use the contraceptive that works for you, in our app Aya Contigo you have the quiz to choose it.

Contraceptives: all contraceptives can stop menstruation if you take them continuously, or reduce the amount of bleeding when you go 4-7 days without the pill. The progesterone injection, the implant and the intrauterine device can also reduce or stop menstruation, as progesterone thins the lining of the uterus.

Drastic weight changes: being overweight can increase estrogen, causing irregular menses, while radical calorie reduction or abrupt weight loss can also cause your menses to miss because your body is not producing the hormones needed for ovulation.

Diseases: diabetes, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids and premature menopause can cause changes in your menstrual cycle. If in doubt, consult a health care professional.

It is important to have regular menses, unless you use hormonal contraceptives, as a sign of good uterine health; if this is not the case, you should consult your doctor.

Delayed menstruation when you are pregnant

La menstruación retrasada es el primer síntoma de embarazo

Delayed menstruation is the main symptom of pregnancy, but not the only one. From the first weeks people may notice tender breasts, nausea, fatigue, accompanied by the absence of the period on the due date.

You may also experience light bleeding or spotting that corresponds to the so-called implantation bleeding. This occurs 10 to 14 days after conception and can sometimes be confused with menstruation.

To find out if you are pregnant, you can take a home pregnancy test or a blood test. Here you can see what tests are available and how to avoid false results.

Remember that being pregnant is not the end. On our app Aya Contigo you can explore options that match your plans and desires.

You can help us maintain and expand our service by donating to the GoFundMe or sharing the app with those in need.



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