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Help to Expand Access to Abortion: Donate to Aya Contigo's GoFundMe

Gabriela Caldera
GoFundMe de Aya Contigo

It is your time to be part of the donors that make it possible for Aya Contigo to reach the most vulnerable populations in the United States. And you can do it with just one click on our GoFundMe campaign.

Our app, which digitally accompanies those in need of an abortion, experienced a 500% increase in users in one month after a law went into effect in May that limits abortion in Florida to six weeks gestation. In this time frame, most people do not even know they are pregnant.

That is why people are looking for alternatives. It is no coincidence that abortions with pills account for 63% of the total reported in the country, according to the Guttmacher Institute. In addition, there is an increase in the number of those who travel between states in order to seek care in clinics where the procedure is still legal.

Why is Aya Contigo's a Critical Service?

Anyone with a uterus can have this experience. But Latino, African-American and indigenous populations are the most affected by these legal barriers and are burdened with limitations resulting from systemic racism, marginalization and economic injustice.

La campaña de GoFundMe de Aya Contigo para apoyar el aborto en Estados Unidos

For them, it is much more difficult to cover the costs of transportation, stay, care of the children they already have and work permits to be able to have the procedure done and then have the respective rest.

In these circumstances is that the work developed by Aya Contigo becomes more urgent and it becomes necessary to expand the capacity of care, which is already available in all 50 states.

Aya Contigo offers digital support in Spanish and English, with certified doulas to accompany the abortion process, providing critical information and emotional accompaniment, without judgment, so that each person can self-manage their abortion from home.

As a bilingual service, it provides access to those who face a language barrier to obtain reliable information on abortion and contraceptives, serving the migrant population.

Why is Your Contribution on GoFundMe Important?

Your donation will help us, among other goals, to expand our team of doulas for live chat support, create communication campaigns in restrictive states, ensure sustainable and secure data collection and privacy measures, and expand our service through integration with artificial intelligence.

Your contribution is tax-deductible in the U.S. Friends of Vitala, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. EIN: 93-1674029. GoFundMe also accepts donations from DAF.



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