In Venezuela, sex education is moralistic and is configured to perpetuate a "patriarchal and macho structure, where there are no equal rights," according to the president of the Venezuelan Association for Alternative Sex Education(Avesa), Mercedes Muñoz. So, it is to be expected that there is a big gap in information about lesbian sex or safe sex between women.
And that lack of information ranges from the mechanisms of contagion of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among lesbians to the lack of research focused on this group. De acuerdo a un item from the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, STI rates among lesbians range from 2.3% to 6.7%, debunking the myth that lesbian sex is devoid of risk.
In addition to this, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, lesbians and bisexuals face barriers to accessing health care, including concerns about confidentiality, discriminatory attitudes and treatment, limited access to health professionals and health insurance, and often limited understanding of what their health risks may be.
STIs can be transmitted through genital contact, manual stimulation, oral sex or sharing sex toys.
What Infections Can Be Transmitted Between Women?

Herpes, genital warts and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) are transmitted by skin-to-skin contact. Bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and gonorrhea can be transmitted between women through vaginal discharge.
Cases of HIV and syphilis transmission among women have also been reported. The risk of transmission is higherduring menstruation, because of possible contact with infected blood, which can transmit in addition to HIV, hepatitis B and C.
How Do We Protect Ourselves?
There are several steps we can follow:
Use a latex barrier during sexual intercourse, either oral sex or masturbation, this barrier can be a vaginal condom (which are often difficult to obtain in Venezuela).
A latex glove for masturbation or the male condom itself can become an optimal barrier, just cut off the tip of the condom, cut it in half, open it and put it on top of the vulva before starting the sexual encounter.
There is another area to remember when thinking about lesbian sex, and that is the use of sex toys. Depending on the material with which the toy is made, it is possible that with just soap and water you can clean it for your personal use, but, if you are going to use your toy with other people, it is recommended that you cover it with a condom and at the end of the sexual encounter you clean it as usual, thus avoiding direct contact of different people with the toy, decreasing the possibility of contracting an STI.
It is our right to have access to the necessary information to make informed and responsible decisions about our bodies. Comprehensive sexuality education should give us all the tools to lead a full and safe sexual life, beyond stigmas and myths.
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