"Don't worry, I'll pull it out." Pulling out the penis before ejaculation is a popular, but very risky, method of avoiding pregnancy. Not only because in the heat of the moment it can be difficult to interrupt intercourse to cum outside the vagina, but because pre ejaculation fluid can also contain sperm and lead to pregnancy.
This method of withdrawal is called coitus interruptus, and it is estimated that one out of every five couples who use it for a year becomes pregnant; the equivalent of 20%.
Why can pre ejaculation get you pregnant?
Pre-seminal fluid can contain live sperm and has a particularity: it cannot be controlled. The person does not decide when this fluid comes out, so it is easy for it to be deposited in the vagina during penetration without you noticing it.
This fluid serves as lubrication and usually should not contain sperm, but it is possible for sperm to leak out. According to two studies, the presence of sperm in pre-seminal fluid occurs between 17 and 37% of cases.
Coitus interruptus is one of the least reliable methods of contraception and also does not protect you from sexually transmitted infections. To protect yourself from chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, HPV and other infections, it is important to use a condom.
You do not need to be ovulating to get pregnant
Once the live sperm in the pre-seminal fluid reach the vagina, they can live up to 5 days. This means that if you did not ovulate at the time of sex, but did ovulate the following week, there is a chance of pregnancy.
If you had unprotected sex, you can take emergency contraception or the morning after pill within 72 hours after the sexual encounter. If you do not have a period or you notice symptoms of pregnancy, you should take apregnancy test . You can take the test from the first day your period is late.
If you have an unwanted pregnancy, you have options
If you became pregnant using coitus interruptus and are outside the window of effectiveness of the morning-after pill, you also have a choice.Â
For those who wish to have a safe abortion, Aya Contigo is our application with doulas ready to provide you with emotional support and all the information you need to self-manage the termination of your pregnancy safely.
You can help us maintain and expand our service by donating to the GoFundMe or by sharing the application with those in need.