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Aya Contigo Came to the U.S. to Expand Access to Safe Abortion

Gabriela Calderar

Updated: May 17, 2024

Aya Contigo llegó a Estados Unidos para ampliar el acceso al aborto seguro

Millions of women around "the land of the free and the home of the brave" are denied access to abortion care. Aware of this situation, Vitala Global's Aya Contigo launched its app in the United States.

In this way, it seeks to facilitate access to abortion and contraceptives to those who want to decide about their bodies and obtain safe and reliable information.

The date chosen was September 28, which has a double significance: it is Aya Contigo Day arrived in the United States to expand access to safe abortion by Global Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion and it is also the International Day for Universal Access to Information.

Wade in the United States on June 24, 2022, laws went into effect in 14 states that make it impossible to access safe and legal abortion. According to the Guttmacher Institute, in 2022 alone, regional legislators introduced 563 proposals to restrict abortion and 50 of them became law the same year. As a result, an estimated 22 million women of reproductive age-nearly 1 in 3-live in states where abortion is unavailable or highly restricted.

This population is the target population for Aya Contigo. This digital accompaniment tool has an updated resources section, where people can find options for abortion pills, clinics, financing, help with logistics if they need to travel out of state, and emotional support during the process, no matter where they are in the country.

Access to Abortion and Vulnerable Groups

These services are made available by a network of partner organizations that seek to support people who are denied the right to choose. One of the most important aspects of this struggle is that abortion restriction disproportionately affects marginalized groups.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that between one-quarter and one-third of those who have abortions annually are black, and most are low-income. Black women had the highest rate of abortions at 23.8 abortions per 1,000 women, followed by Hispanic women, who had 11.7 abortions per 1,000 women. Fifty-seven percent of them were under the age of 30.

For its part, the National Partnership for Women and Families notes that nearly 6.7 million Latinas - 43% of all Latinas of reproductive age - live in the 26 states that have banned or may ban abortion. They represent the largest group of women of color affected by current or likely state bans.

Specific Information for Immigrants

As a result, these women need to know what their options are. Aya Contigo has a special section for immigrants, which details the procedure in case the person does not have documentation, and different options for those who need to be informed before deciding.

Aya Contigo is ready for download in the United States, while maintaining its commitment in Venezuela, where other tools such as a tracker, a forum and online accompaniment are available.

Click here for more information about Aya Contigo in the United States and share this post with the person who may need it.



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