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Types of Contraception: How to Choose Your Best Fit?

Gabriela Caldera

Updated: May 17, 2024

Tipos de métodos anticonceptivos

There are many types of contraception methods to choose from, whether you are using them for the first time or because you want to protect yourself after a pregnancy or abortion. To make this decision you should consider your health conditions, how often you have sex and with how many partners. You should also consider which methods are most effective or comfortable for you, whether you can use them correctly, and the side effects that each may have.

First, if you are seeking protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) you should always choose a condom, to reduce the risk of contact. However, you should be aware that some infections such as herpes or HPV can be contracted through contact with affected body parts that are not covered by a condom.

What are the types of contraception methods according to their effectiveness?

With 99% effectiveness, vasectomy, intrauterine device, tubal ligation and subdermal implant are the most effective because they do not depend on periodic management of the individual. Other methods can be just as efficient, but their percentage can drop to 95% due to inconsistent use, are the contraceptive injection, the pill, the contraceptive patch and the vaginal ring.

The external (or male) condom, used correctly, is 98% effective, followed by the internal (or female) condom, which is 95% effective. The diaphragm with spermicides is 92 to 96% effective, although you should consider that the nonoxynol-9 present in some or most spermicides can irritate vaginal tissues and increase exposure to HIV and other STIs.

How to choose the contraceptive method according to your personality?

When wondering how to choose between so many types of contraceptive methods, you should coordinate it according to your routine and possibilities. Whether you are an organized person who can commit to taking the pill every day or you prefer a one-time use method, such as the condom. There are also others that require placement by a health care provider, such as the intrauterine device or the subdermal implant. Ask yourself which one can meet your requirements.

What Health Issues Should You Take into Account?

If you smoke and are over 35, you have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke, so it's good to talk to your doctor about other safe and effective methods of birth control for you. You should also not take birth control pills if you have any of these conditions: breast cancer, blood clots or clotting problems, heart problems, stroke, migraine, high blood pressure, liver disease or diabetes.

You should not have an intrauterine device (IUD) inserted if you have pelvic inflammatory disease, cervicitis, chlamydia, trophoblastic disease, puerperal sepsis, pelvic tuberculosis, or cancer of the cervix or endometrium.

The contraindication to barrier methods, such as condoms or diaphragms, is if you have a latex allergy. In this case, polyurethane condoms may be an option. On the other hand, people living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) should not use diaphragms or spermicides because they increase the risk of contagion.

Can Contraceptives Regulate Your Period?

Yes. The pill, the shot, the implant and the hormonal IUD can regulate periods and make them less heavy, thus improving anemia and energy. There is also an economic benefit: if you don't get your period, you save money on pads or tampons. Also, not having a period is fine, as long as it is regulated by these hormonal methods. In fact, these hormonal methods can also reduce rates of endometrial and ovarian cancer if used long-term.

Does Your Weight Influence the Effectiveness of Some Contraceptives?

The effectiveness of some contraceptives such as levonorgestrel subdermal implants can be affected by a person's weight. Some specialists suggest not to use it if you weigh more than 70 kilos. However, the evidence on this is limited since the population of women weighing more than 70 kilos have not been part of most studies. In this case, we recommend that you always consult with your health care provider before using this method of contraception.

Do You Want to Have the Option of Getting Pregnant Soon?

Your fertility will return to normal within a month after using the combined pill, vaginal ring or contraceptive patch. The contraceptive method that takes the longest to restore your fertility is usually the contraceptive injection. Although most women are fertile within a few months of stopping it, others may take a year before they are able to get pregnant.

Take all these aspects into consideration. At Aya Contigo we have multiple resources available for you to make an informed decision.

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